Webinar recorded on January 24th, 2022 | Webinar length: 45 minutes




With nearly 4,600 U.S. schools either shifting to virtual learning or closing temporarily as of early January 2022, the importance of enabling safe learning environments has increased dramatically. In this timely webinar for education professionals, Arne Duncan (9th U.S. Secretary of Education and former CEO of Chicago Public Schools) speaks to the challenges schools are facing as they strive to balance quality of learning with student and staff safety. He explores the negative academic, social, and emotional consequences of learning loss and learning disruption for students. He also addresses how attendees can minimize detrimental learning disruptions while navigating the ongoing challenges of ensuring student and staff safety. 


Dr. Richard Wade, R-Zero’s Chief Scientist, reviews the current state of infection prevention practices in schools and explores how incorporating UV disinfection can mitigate learning disruption and provide peace of mind for school communities. 


You'll learn:

  • The realities of Omicron and ongoing COVID-related threats
  • The negative academic, social, and emotional impacts of learning loss
  • How to mitigate these threats and impacts by incorporating UV disinfection into your strategies



“Our children have paid such a terrible price for this. Given that’s our reality… I think it is so important to try to keep our school buildings open.”


- Arne Duncan 

9th U.S. Secretary of Education




R-Zero’s ecosystem is an ideal solution for schools to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff. Through the use of sustainable UV-C disinfection, we enable safer indoor environments and reduce absenteeism with significant economic benefits.


Visit rzero.com/education to learn more about our hospital-grade disinfection technology for your school or district.


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